
Examinerships – Corporate Recovery

In order for any trading business to operate successfully, it must generate revenue. Countless industries have been decimated by the forced closure of businesses post Covid-19 pandemic and due to general inflation. It is simply impossible to generate sufficient revenue in certain challenging economic circumstances. For example, how can a restaurant survive with no customers? The answer is simply that it cannot - with rent, wages, overheads to pay and no income being generated to meet them. It is not just the high street or small businesses that have been


Abhaile Scheme – Family Home Repossession

Falling into arrears on your mortgage repayments and the threat of repossession can be a stressful experience. It is important to remember however that help is available. In 2016, the government introduced Abhaile, an innovative scheme to assist borrowers in mortgage arrears. The initiative aims to ensure that a person in this situation can access free, independent expert financial and legal advice and support. Priority is given to finding solutions which will allow the borrower(s) to remain in their home, wherever that is a sustainable option. In order to determine


Start Up Companies!

Starting up a business can be daunting. As such, it is essential to surround yourself with trusted and experienced advisors. Self-employment can be exceptionally rewarding but can bring its own pressures with particular constraints on cash flow in the early days. We at Brady Kilroy fully appreciate the challenges faced by you and are well positioned to guide you through the difficult early days and help your business grow to profitability. We have a passion for driving commercial activity and our aim is to make your life as stress free


Personal Insolvency

Personal Insolvency - Section 115A Personal Insolvency Act 2012 - 2015 (the “Act”), Key Provisions and Important Case Law Section 115A of the Act affords debtors an opportunity to have Personal Insolvency Arrangements (“PIA”s), rejected by creditors, reviewed by the Court under certain circumstances. This provision limits the extent to which a creditor can veto a PIA and offers additional hope to debtors wishing to secure a debt write down under an approved arrangement resulting in their likely retention of the family home. Section 115A states; where (a) a proposal


Personal Injury Law (Russian) – Травмы, ДТП и происшествия в странах ЕС

Дело в Высшем суде Келли vs Групама (2012) требовало детального анализа юрисдикционных норм, применяемых в трансграничных исках, и требовало применения в ирландском суде норм французского права, касающихся оценки убытков и компенсации. Истец, житель Ирландии, подал иск против ответчика (который являлся страховщиком в муниципалитете Канн) о возмещении ущерба за телесные повреждения в результате несчастного случая в Каннах 16 июня 2009 года, когда он был сбит машиной. Он перенес перелом бедра и впоследствии потребовал полной замены бедра. Вопрос касался суммы компенсации за сам ущерб. Решение суда вышло немного странное но зато практичное


Property – Compensation, Acquisition of Land

Recent High Court Decision: Electricity Supply Board v Boyle Desmond and others 14/12/2018 Nos. 194 & 195 JR/2018 & 1555 P/2018 [2018] IEHC 718 Summary: The Electricity Supply Board was required to pay compensation where it exercised statutory powers to place electricity lines on private property. Under the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act 1919, a property arbitrator set the level of compensation where there was no agreement. There appeared to be a lack of consistency between the arbitrators in respect of the validity of unconditional offers, and orders


Contributory Negligence in Personal Injury claims

Damages - Personal injuries - Contributory negligence - Plaintiff seeking damages for personal injuries - Whether the plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence - Damages: €62,482.50 Facts: The plaintiff, Mr McWhinney, was a maintenance fitter. In July 2013 he was contracted by the Cork City Fire Station on Anglesea Street. On 22nd July, 2013, while carrying out repairs to the shutter of one of the fire trucks operating from the station, he sustained a serious injury to his left wrist. His personal injuries action was heard by the High Court (Barniville J)


The Children’s Health Bill 2018

The Minister for Health, Simon Harris is sponsoring the Bill which is currently being considered at its fifth stage before Seanad Eireann. It is envisaged that the matter will be ready for debate before the Dail Eireann presently. The primary purpose of the Bill is to establish a body corporate, Children’s Health Ireland, to provide paediatric services, consolidating the paediatric services currently provided by the three children’s hospitals, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin; Temple Street Children’s University Hospital, and the paediatric services provided at the Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin,

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