We act on behalf of multiple international insurance bodies and underwriters in the defence of personal injury matters to include assault and false imprisonment.
We thoroughly investigate the factual background to include a forensic review of any available CCTV footage at the outset of each claim. Exceptional experience in minimising the impact of personal injury claims levelled against clients.
In addition, we act for plaintiff, private clients in the prosecution of personal injury claims. In applying our diverse industry experience, we achieve the most favourable settlements and awards obtainable in the circumstances.

Our expertise extends to road traffic accidents, accidents at work, public liability claims and occupier liability claims. It is necessary for clients to be taken through the formal requirements pertaining to applications to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board and prosecution of claims. We possess excellent negotiating experience and procedural knowledge in this field.
For further information on our unique offering in the areas of Personal Injury, please visit our dedicated website: https://personalinjuryteam.ie/